Sunday, February 27, 2011

Week 8

Jude spent a few days resting before trying to move to an open bed again.   He did a great job eating, because he now weighs 4 1/2 lbs. 

Wednesday, February 23, 2011


Jude decided that he was not quite ready for an open bed, so he was moved back to the incubator.  He can try the open bed again in a few days.  As you can see in the pictures, he did not take long to get comfortable!

The hat shows where Jude was sleeping, but he found the bottom of the bed to be more comfortable! 

Monday, February 21, 2011

Week 7

Jude moved to an open bed this week, and if he can maintain his body temperature, he can say good-bye to the incubator.  He uses a lot of energy to stay warm, so he is more tired.  Because he is more tired, he took a brief brake from learning to eat by mouth.  Big sister Stella was excited to meet Jude this week!  She made a drawing for Jude and kept waving at him. 

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Week 6

Jude is continuing to work on his feeding this week.   As his weight increases, he becomes better able to regulate his body temperature.  Because of this, he is able to wear onesies.   He had his IV removed this week, since he is no longer on any medicine.  This picture shows Jude sleeping in his favorite position! 

More pictures

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Week 5

We want to share that Jude breathed today without the assistance of a nasal cannula.  He did great!  The green tube on his face in the picture is his feeding tube.  His milk feedings are being increased gradually each day.